Thursday, 21 January 2016

Space to breathe and to be grateful

My husband and I are away for a few days - enjoying cold snowy weather, long white-frosted walks and the cosiness of a tiny cottage with a roaring log fire. 

It's proving to be a real break from the 'business' of the last few months of 2015 and a chance to think about the year to come, to put plans in place, and to think back over what was truly a fabulous year for Lazy Sunday.

I miss the 'business.' A lot. But I am enjoying having space in my head just now; at our busiest times I am conscious that sometimes it feels like my head is full and that I can't think too far ahead because what is happening 'in the moment' is everything. What I'm realising, as we trek uphill and chat over frozen loch-side picnics, is that wee breaks like this are actually quite a big thing. And very very good for the soul.

I'm also realising how much I miss keeping this blog up-to-date  - with pictures and with words. So in the evenings, with temperatures fulling to minus 9 outside and the clarity of thinking that  comes from skin prickling long walks, I've been looking back at all of the photographs from last year and gosh, we have cooked for beautiful people and beautiful weddings. In some very very beautiful venues.

And the range of dishes, and the styles of food we have served have been wonderful, prompted mostly by food creative adventurous couples who have wanted their guests to not only be fed, but to enjoy the 'experience' of eating and to remember the food they were served as something that set THIS wedding, THIS beautiful occasion, apart from any other. This makes me happy: That the food that we serve is 'imagined' by our brides and our grooms. We simply bring these imaginings to life.

So in the spirit of my reflective, thankful, and very very relaxed self, I hope you enjoy some of the photographs that to me speak of joy and sharing and breaking bread.